
An Intelligent Journal

Work. School. 
Hobbies. LIFE.

This is for:

Performance – keep a track record of how you did 

Mindfulness – put more intention into the things you do

Progress – see how you develop over time

Take it on the go!

Jonny Johnson

“It is my job with Dialogues to connect people to the communities and organizations they trust, and at the same time, allow one to create a free-play zone for people to say what they want to say, and make what they want to make.”


Put yourself first with your own thoughts, experience, and agency

The software is designed in such a way to create space for you to articulate your own truth without ever pushing it to be popularized. Such acts are sacrilegious and destroy beautiful things. We build a principled system to respect this.

See the actions we take ->

Slice Open Your Time Tunnel

The structure of your ongoing life can be projected onto a construct of linear time. This journal is one way to record it. Go inspect it at will. Time Tunnel.

Slice Open Your Time Tunnel

The structure of your ongoing life can be projected onto a construct of linear time. This journal is one way to record it. Go inspect it at will. Time Tunnel


From the stories we tell

Tell Your Time

See the ratio between categories throughout your day & week.

Turn The Page

When all is lost, turn the page. Start fresh with a new chapter.


From the stories we tell

Tell Your Time

See the ratio between categories throughout your day & week.

Turn The Page

When all is lost, turn the page. Start fresh with a new chapter.

An Intelligent Journal

Been looking around to find ways to get AI to work for you? Go beyond the chat interfaces and the powerpoint enhancements?

If life is defined by the choices we make and the stories we tell, here is a piece of software to help catch those stories. This is the first step towards enabling data science, compute, and social networks to act on your behalf to find you good opportunities.

Entries are yours and not seen by anyone. There’s no sleight-of-hand in this statement. They’re not seen, sold, shared.

A personal dialogue means private. It’s the only way for it to be free and to develop…

See the actions we take ->


Grow is an application by Dialogues that acts as a personal communications tool with the intent to help improve dialogues among yourself and with others.


COMMENTS (Privacy Policy )

Grow is a database, and it is in its nature to only act as an interface to store and display data.

Dialogues is an AI Product service, and it only has access to any user entries when a user explicitly shares data with its services. When it has been shared, Grow has decoupled much Personally Identifiable Information (and more), leaving only the essentials for Dialogues’ services to train its models. Dialogues’ models have already been trained on data to get to a basic accuracy, and can only improve on real user data if users decide to share their entries. That is how it works.

Like in real life, if people want to boycott a model and not use it, or not share any information with it, then they can, and the AI service can fail to improve, or its creators will have to find other ways to go about improving it without the users’ help.

Additionally, more specifically with Grow, then—Grow can store your data without ever seeing it. No one sees it for that matter. There aren’t even any analytics that occur on it. The lack of an advertising business model doesn’t incentivize the business to create little back door methods, or create legal jargon, to somehow be two-faced about the matter. There’s no hidden meta-tagging features to indicate anything about the nature of the entries you write. To share anything…that seems bad.

With location, when you write your location, you can call where you are at anything you wish. It is just a text field, and there is no location service that also marks where the entry was made.

We’re tech nerds compiling everything we know about technology into simple tools for the everyday person to use so they don’t have to do all the work we do. From the very fundamentals of computation (digital and analog systems to binary and ternary). Like great writers, who know the rules before they break them to create masterpieces, we start from the ground up, “First Principles” (some like to say), and understand what we are working with in order to distill it into captivating pieces for the audiences we intend to serve. 

We’re fans of open games, and ideas around swarm intelligence, and self-organizing systems. We like the idea of social and economic mobility which includes coordination, and maybe we can create a tool that somehow catalyzes or accelerates one’s mobility through the swarm.

The North Star for all new technologies may be the statement, “In Order to form a more perfect Union…” If it’s not a general truth for all, at least it is with us.

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